Vila Tadmhe

Shroud Huntress


Age: 24
Nameday: 16th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon (April 15th)
Race: Miqo'te (Keeper of the Moon)
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 90lbs
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Profession: Monster Hunter
Status: Single
Hobbies: Running, sparring, drinking, dancing
Languages: Common and some Huntspeak
Family: Twin brother, Asha'a ("Asher") Tadmhe, and his daughters, Ashah and Sihya Garanjy.
Pets: A large wolf-dog named Percy, a small shiba-inu named Vax, and a silkie named Sohfi
Physical Appearance: Vila is short for a miqo'te and she has a slim, athletic build. Her dark skin bears multiple scars as testament to her profession. The most notable of which would be the scar over her left eyebrow and a deep scar on her right shoulder. She also has blue clan tattoos over her arms, hips, and legs as well as a tattoo on her right inner forearm of an arrow with a flower blooming from the center of the shaft.


Born and raised in The Black Shroud alongside her twin brother, Asha'a, to the last scion of the Tadmhe Clan. As such, Vila was raised with a very matriarchal mindset by her mother. Encouraged from a young age to take on the responsibility of continuing the dying clan, Vila quickly found herself struggling to keep up with the demand.
Raised as a keen huntress, Vila's skills have served her well as a monster hunter for hire since the early death of her mother. The Keeper of the Moon now struggles to find her place in the world.
Unwilling to carry on the tradition of the clan on her own and yet unable to abandon tradition entirely, Vila struggles to find a place she feels she belongs.
Currently, she's on a quest to discover the truth of what happened to the Tadmhe clan so many generations ago...

Art & Screenshots

OOC Information

OOC Information: I am a 30+ roleplayer with 20+ years of experience roleplaying. Due to the nature of Vila's exploits and lifestyle, I ask that anyone I roleplay with long-term be over the age of 18, 25+ preferred. I live on the east coast of the United States so I'm typically available in the evenings.

What I'm Looking For: Any sort of connections! Friends, family, enemies--you name it! Ideally, I'd like to meet open-minded, medium-heavy roleplayers like myself that want to stick around and build a connection to Vila. More than anything, though, I'm looking for deep connections for her. She wants to find somewhere she feels like she can be accepted and embraced.Pre-established relationships are usually a "yes," I just ask that you run it by me first.Things I am not looking for: I won't do torture or heavy maiming unless it's run by me first. No character death or bad ends. I'm cool with mature or darker themes just please run them by me before springing them on me, thanks! No IC/OOC blend and not looking for an OOC relationship, I'm married IRL.

Please feel free to contact me in game on Balmung on Vila Tadmhe, on Twitter at the link below, or on Discord.